Thursday, March 26, 2009

Iraqi War

May historians have compared the war Iraq to the Vietnam war, but recently there has been a comparison made between Hitler and the Third Reich and the government system that Saddam Hussein has set up in Iraq prior to the war. knowing what we know about Hitler, would comparing him to Hussein change your feelings about the war effort in Iraq?

Foreign Language in schools

In Most other countries around the world start teaching foreign languages to their students around the age of 7. Research has shown that children are better able to learn a language because their brain are still forming language and are less susceptible to the natural pruning that occurs in the brain. Most American students do not begin learning a foreign language until they are about 12 years old and entering junior high. Do you think it would be more beneficial to introduce foreign languages early in our school system? What languages would you like to learn and why?

5 Stages in City Development here in the United States

These are that phases in which many of the major cities were formed.
1. 1790-1830: "Sail Wagon"-Water transportation or by land where wagons were just getting there start.
2. 1830-1870: :Iron Horse" - Introduction of the Railroad, aloud for the development of minor cities to form away from the Major cities.
3. 1870-1920: "Steel Rail"- Cities begin to be build out on the Peripheral of the major cities.
4. 1920-1960: "Auto/Air amenity"-Recreation become popular
5.1960-Present: "information/Technology" Hard to track growth at this time.

Slavery in Africa and the MIddle Passage

Slavery existed in Africa since ancient times. People were enslaved because they had been captured during war of had debts that they could not pay. Slaves in Africa were treated differently than the American slaves that we are familiar with. They were not treated as property, but more like servants with rights. Slaves could still become a full member of society. 

More that 10 million slaves were captured between 1500-1800, but only 500,000 were sent to the British Colonies (U.S. Today). Slaves were transported on ships from Africa to Europe and the Americas. The voyage that slaves went on became known as the MIddle Passage, where thousands of them died before ever reaching their destination. They were transported under horrible conditions: crammed onto shelves, chained together, and were only aloud to go above deck once a day, which is when they would eat. Many tried to escape, but most of the time their attempts were unsecessful. Records show that 10% of the people who traveled the Middle Passage died while aboard ship, in other words, 1 in 10 people died.

What about the Economy?

sion. Because of the Recession, many people have lost their jobs and cant find new employment because of a hiring freeze. How would you feel if you had a company that was failing because no one is buying their projects, but he government bails out the company where your next door neighbor works?  Do you think that the bail- outs are going to prove to be beneficial in turning the economy around? What do you do if you were in the Office of President.. how would your plan differed or the same as the president?